Essential Oil Blends? Ours & Theirs


Do you use DoTerra or Young Living Essential Oil Blends? Spark Naturals offers the same variety of Essential Oil Blends for a fraction of the cost to you, because we are not an MLM company – that means our business model allows us to save you money while offering only the highest quality products (read more about this HERE). What we care about the most is you, our customer, being able to easily get ahold of the oils you need at any time, and our priority is for you to be healthy in all aspects of your life! Here’s a chart showing all of our blends along side blends by DoTerra and Young Living. We invite you to try Spark Naturals Essential Oil Blends today, and see what you’ve been missing! We know you’ll love them!



25 thoughts on “Essential Oil Blends? Ours & Theirs

  1. Are your oils certified as therapeutic grade. and can the be taken internally? Do they have a nutrition label?

  2. How can you possibly compare doTERRA with Young Living?
    I asked doTERRA for the ingredients of their oils. Their oils are for sure not pure oils as they are full of chemicals. Young Living oils are pure oils.

    1. Hi Gwen, this comparison is for new customers to know our name versus theirs. We use 100% pure, 100% natural essential oils and our blends are not diluted unless specified on our site under each product description. We also list all the oils that are in each blend.

    2. DōTERRAs oils are absolutely 100% pure! There is one ingredient in a bottle of dōTERRA essential oil and that’s the natural, rigorously tested Essential oil!!
      Sorry you have been ill-informed Gwen!

    3. I beg your pardon. doTERRA is NOT filled with chemicals. I personally use both doTERRA and young living. I love them both.

  3. Can the Spark company guarantee seeds to seal quality or do they import oil extract from another source? DoTerra doesn’t process their own oils, so you can’t be certain of quality. Only YL can say they harvest, process and package seed to seal with true 100% essence.

    1. MLM refers to a marketing strategy called Multi-Level Marketing where a distributor makes a commission based on how much they sell and how much their “down line” sells. Our company does not use this marketing strategy, thus allowing us to sell our high quality oils for less.

  4. I use doTERRA and I am very happy with them.
    But tell me, what facts do you have about them to do the comparison? Help me understand.

    1. Like DoTerra and Young Living we use 100% pure essential oils, and because our business model is different we can offer these oils at a lower cost to you, the customer. The comparison chart shows what our blends are similar to from each of the respective companies. This allow those who want to try our blends know which blend to try.

  5. I’m and Licensed Esthetician and I’ve used all sorts if brands of oils. No one knows ingredients like me. I know doterra oils are pure because most of the oils can be ingested. I use them on my clients and they have know skin reactions even my sensitive clients. How does Spark Naturals compare?

    1. Thank you for your insight and question! Our ingestible oils have also nutrition labels and are sourced from high quality sources world wide. We sell Quality! We don’t compromise or take a crop when we know it is not to our standards. We sell 100% pure essential oils and natural products. If it has a carrier oil, we will tell you. If you don’t like it, you can send it back to us for a refund. We stand for our customers and we stand by our products. Hope this helped!

  6. If you are able to answer this one question for me, I’m sold and converted. Is your Oregano oil “wild mediterranean” or “farm-grown’? I was recently told that I was not privy to that in formation by another company. I had been asked by a friend to find out because their particular health condition required him to find out. If you can help me out with this, I’d be eternally grateful and will definitely switch to primarily using Spark oils.

    1. Spark Naturals does not own their own farms. The reason for this, is so that we retain the ability to reject a crop if it does not meet the standard of quality that we demand. Many times when companies own farms, they have to commit to the crop regardless of the outcome. We choose not to go this route, and receive our oils directly from the distillers after thorough testing has been done to ensure quality is never compromised.

      For more information, please visit our site and feel free to contact us directly with any questions you may have.

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