Quick Feature: Pure Patchouli

Today’s Quick Feature is 100% Pure Patchouli Essentail Oil. Patchouli is remarkably varsatile, and is frequently used for skin care applications, diffused to bring emotional balance, used in sensual blends for romance, aids in meditation, and also often for natural personal fragrances.IMG_3837

Unlike most Essential Oils, Patchouli ages like a fine wine – it gets better with age as opposed to diminishing gradually in quality due to oxidization. Patchouli Essential Oil is known to improve the appearance of dull or dry skin, and when added to other skin care products it provides a wonderful compliment, boost, and scent. The fragrance is earthy, rich, and grounding.

We love Patchouli Essential Oil, so here are 10 popular uses for this rich, versatile oil:

Skin Conditions: If you suffer from dermatitis, psoriasis, or eczema – or from general irritation, redness, and skin inflammation, topically apply Patchouli to reduce symptoms and calm the skin. For additional moisturizing and absorption try diluting with a carrier oil or mixing into a lotion for added benefits.

Insect Repellent: Patchouli has been used for centuries to deter insects. Bugs, moths, all of the pesky things you don’t want around are easily deterred with a bit of Patchouli Essential Oil. Try soaking a cotton ball in Patchouli and placing it in the bottom of your closet to keep unwanted visitors away.

Meditation: Wherever you meditate, even 1 drop of Patchouli combined with a carrier oil will inevitably help you feel grounded, calm, and centered. Patchouli has long been known for its relaxation properties and peace promoting scent. IMG_3839

Fungicide: With it’s ability to restrict the growth of fungus and it’s balancing properties, Patchouli Essential Oil is a great natural antidote for conditions such as dandruff or athlete’s foot. Add a few drops to your shampoo and conditioner, your lotion, or other products. For dandruff, let it sit with your shampoo in your hair for a few minutes prior to rinsing.

Balances Oily/Dry Skin: Patchouli is often used in skin care because if its effectiveness in regulating skin’s oil production. Our skin naturally produces an oil called sebum – if you have dry skin you don’t produce enough, and if you have oily skin you may be producing too much. Patchouli naturally aids in regulating the levels of sebum, helping dry skin find moisture, and oily skin to reduce sebum production for a softer and healthier look and feel.

In the bedroom:  A powerful aphrodisiac, Patchouli has been known to boost libido and energy for both partners.

Household Cleaning/Laundry Boost: Add a few drops to the washing mashine, or to the cleaning solutions you use around the house and the antibacterial and antifungal properties of Patchouli will help support the wellness of you and your family.

Deodorant: Patchouli – being antibacterial and antifungal – works wonders for bodily odors. Use it in an underarm deoderant, or put a drop in that smelly pair of sneakers – you’ll breathe better and smell better! IMG_3838

Anti-inflammatory: Patchouli has a naturally soothing nature, diffuse or smell to ease coughs and calm various other respiratory ailments.

Insomnia/Tension/Anxiety: The deep, rich scent of Patchouli Essential Oil is very calming for the nervous system. Inhaling this oil can allow you to breathe deeper, offering your body the chance to release unwanted and built-up tension and relax.


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