
The Power of Copaiba Essential Oil

Copaiba essential oil should be a staple in your essential oil collection and here is why.  Contrary to popular belief, Copaiba essential oil is not a cannabinoid like CBD. Although it does contain some cannabinoid-like terpenes such as beta caryophyllene, it does not contain CBD. Beta-caryophyllene is a major constituent of Copaiba essential oil and…

Incredible Benefits of Black Pepper Essential Oil

Black Pepper Piper Nigrum is a common essential oil that has been used for thousands of years in Chinese medicine and by the ancient Greeks. It originates from Madagascar, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, and China, and comes from the unripe fruit/berry, which grows from a small white flower on the woody vine. It’s smell is sharp,…

No Pain, No Gain!

As the old saying goes, right? You may be thinking that I am referring to working out. In most cases you would be correct, but not this time. This time I am talking about yard work. I have been pulling weeds and getting our yard ready for a swings for my kids. We had to…